Be a carrier of the message
As "1" California!
Join the growing family of watchmen
"Locking Shields for California" and praying daily for our state.
Happening now: Prayer calls for California daily 6-7am
Monthly Calls "Cry Out As "1" CA: 1st Monday of the month until elections in November
"Locking Shields for California" and praying daily for our state.
Happening now: Prayer calls for California daily 6-7am
Monthly Calls "Cry Out As "1" CA: 1st Monday of the month until elections in November
Historic California Fires! |
Happening now!
Prophetic Words |
Articles |
Awaken the DawnDaily prayer calls 6-7am 7 days a week
We welcome and invite you to "Lock Shields" to contend for God's Kingdom and destiny for California. 2 Chron 13:15-18 contact us for more information |
We invite you to join in "Locking Shields" for our state by prayer walking the capitol once between now and the elections. We believe we are in a turning for our state. The chaos and fires are a front-runner for God's intervention. By walking the grounds, we are showing God we will lay siege to His promises for the state. Let us know your intentions and sign up on the links provided. Joshua 1:9
Who Are We?
The California Prayer Watch is part of the growing family of watchmen in the USA Watch and the Global Watch.
We welcome your participation as we build community in prayer to empower the Church for the destiny of California.
We welcome your participation as we build community in prayer to empower the Church for the destiny of California.
The California Watch is part of the USA
and Global Watch. We invite you to the "Youtube" community
for dynamic teachings on the Watchman role today.
and Global Watch. We invite you to the "Youtube" community
for dynamic teachings on the Watchman role today.
Foundations for Watchmen: 6 Video series covering the role and call of the Watchman today. Great for small group discussions!
"You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood,
to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:4
to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:4