From "All Tribes DC," Washington DC, October 21, 2016: A prayer of declaration for the USA
The Power to Forgive (released in Washington, DC October 21)
We the people, The Host People of this Great Nation and the original lovers of this land, stand united with one heart and one mind, to bring the power of forgiveness to bear. As the Host People of Turtle Island, we forgive every atrocity and broken covenant ever designed to destroy us as a race of people. We break every curse, and renounce every lie, purposed to decimate us as human beings. We stand in the gap for those who are unable or unwilling to forgive, and call upon the Master of Life, to forgive us for harboring un-forgiveness, resentment, hatred, bitterness, and rage. We repent of every curse that was spoken over America by our ancestor’s and we release the power of forgiveness to bring healing and the peace of Creator God to this land. We stand in faith believing that our citizenship lies in heaven, and we too, all await the return of our Savior; The Lord Jesus Christ. Being all of one mind and heart, having compassion for one another, we declare our love as brothers; not returning evil for the evil perpetrated against us, but on the contrary we choose to release a blessing, knowing that the Father of us all has called us as His children to bless and not curse, that we may inherit a blessing. Amen! WJ, Mohawk Nation Prayer of the Peacemaker: (written for Standing Rock and declared November 12, 2016 at Standing Rock by team from "All Tribes DC")
WE the original Gatekeepers and stewards of this Great Land, declare and decree that the Good news of Peace has come.
We proclaim the desire and intent of Creator God that HIS peace will create harmony, unity and respect among all peoples and nations. We believe that Peace is the will of the Creator and is the ultimate spiritual and natural order among all of HIS people. We stand upon the Seventh Generation principle that considers the impact of our decisions made today and how these decisions will affect the next seven generations. We stand beneath the outstretched branches of the Great Tree of Peace and invite all nations to join us as we cry out for the Master of Life to bring justice, unity and peace over Standing Rock and all of the Americas. We pray for Creator God’s righteousness to strengthen our hearts and minds and help us to promote well-being between all people and nations. The Great Law of Peace comes directly from the Creator’s Heart and empowers our desire to be all of one mind, one heart and one Body. In the Great Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen. WJ, Mohawk Nation |
"You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood,
to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:4
to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:4