Prophetic Foundations
The foundations of any ministry are important in understanding how to engage and sustain it for longevity and growth. The following is a summary of the visionary, prophetic foundations for the California Watch and its parent watches, The USA and Global Watch. Amos 3:7 states, “Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” The Global Watch birthed out of a very real call of God for the hour we are presently in. Though prophecy can have an immediate interpretation, it can also have future applications and meaning. This applies to the Global Watch. As participants or viewers, we share these foundations in hopes they inspire, encourage, and ignite your heart for the times and hour we live in. The following is a prophetic overview:

The journey begins: November 2000. The story and the immediate interpretation is below: November 15, 2000 ~ Athaliah at the Gates!
In a time of intense prayer over particularly vicious warfare, I was under, I had a vision, an open vision. The image completely took over my field of view as if I was there. I was set on the streets of New York and saw two giant towers explode into rubble. The debris comprised of steel frames like a building that had collapsed. All of a sudden, a giant pair of hands came out of the sky. They scooped up the rubble and formed it in its hands. The hands opened. In them was a large clock tower. The clock tower was the image of Big Ben. This vision was particularly alarming for two reasons. First of all, it was very clear. Secondly, there was a clear paradigm shift in the atmosphere as the warfare broke and the peace of God settled in. In seeking the Lord for the understanding, I heard "Athaliah at the gates." Athaliah means "afflicted of the Lord." Revelation began to fall regarding this nation (America) and why it continues to hang in the balance. What is possessing our nation's gates that prevent the Lord's purposes from coming forth? The Lord began to show me that the rubble I saw was the destruction Athaliah had caused. Athaliah killed the children of inheritance. She also usurped the throne from the rightful heir. The Lord began to show me that her spirit has gained access to the gates of this nation in part through the legal killing of millions of children. Her rule hinders God's seed from coming to full fruition. She steals the rightful inheritance from those God has ordained. She usurps God-given authority and aborts spiritual babies preventing them from coming into maturity. Her rule, however, collapsed as those who carried and understood covenant stood watch over the promised inheritance. 2 Kings 11:7 says, "You shall keep the watch of the house, lest it is broken down." I heard the Lord say; that is why He has and is going to raise up prayer watches across this nation. He will be releasing strategies in cities, regions and nationally to restore covenant because the hour has come, it is "the time of the Lord," for the rule of Athaliah to be broken off our nation's gates. The time has come for the righteous to possess the gates of this nation and the nations. I heard the Lord say there will be a birthing forth of the government of David across this nation if the watchmen mobilize and press in at this hour. As watchmen stand guard, that which was utterly destroyed by Athaliah's rule will reform as God molds the governmental structures into His will. As the ruling power of Athaliah is removed, there will be a great unleashing of prophetic destiny and zeal for individuals, cities, and nation if we rise in the watches at this hour. Mobilize the watches, stand guard, so that the Joash's of this nation may come forth and take possession of their throne. The promise of Isaiah 9:7 is at hand, "And of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." The vision was astonishing as the unmistakable peace of God profoundly shifted the atmosphere. 10 months later when 9/11/2001 happened, I was riveted, as was my husband, Fred. The vision was a mirror image of the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center towers after the attacks. We knew the Lord had shown us something very significant. The event riveted our attention in more ways than one. 9/11/2001 was a history changing cataclysmic event. The world would never be the same again. Furthermore, 9/11 had significant meaning in our family, on both sides. Watching the events unfold, we were catapulted into a battle for our hearts and minds that shattered our paradigm of thinking. Knowing the impact of the open vision just ten months earlier, we ran into the throne room desperately seeking God's directives. We knew something had just happened and God was drawing our attention to it.
(About Athaliah: See 2 Kings 11:1-21, 2 Chronicles 22:2 through 24:7)
Present day application: The application now extends to the nations as the vision of 09/11/2001 was an event that impacted all nations. The event was a major door of terrorism that the nations have been fighting ever since. Athaliah has been ruling. Big Ben is an icon of world time. Though physicians by trade, God had convicted us of our prayerlessness in 1992 when our youngest son was born. As such, we had been faithful in holding a corporate prayer watch in our region. The commission for the “Watch” came through a powerful prophetic word Chuck Pierce released at the California Call to Prayer, held in our city in 1998. We have held a regional watch in place since then, though it certainly has gone through different phases. After 9/11, God was now speaking even more clearly how the “watch” overthrew the evil, destructive rule of Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, and allowed the true King, Joash, to come forth, 2 Kings 11. The attack on the World Trade Center was not just about America, but about a major gate of attack impacting the nations of the world. It was a turning point in world history and was not to be forgotten. After 9/11/2001, sensing its import, the draw to the "Watch" eventually became so intense, I had to drop my fishing net, a busy and productive ophthalmology practice, and follow Jesus. In men’s eyes, it was a crazy thing to do. In the stillness of the night seasons, however, I knew the peace of God. Many of the lessons God was teaching us in the hidden places, were valuable seeds for such a time as this.
March 2006: A hallmark message from the Lord - In March of 2006, we facilitated a powerful Presence filled conference marked by many miraculous healings. It was one of a number we had done over the years. The Presence of God was palpable. As people left and we went back to our home, His Presence was overwhelming. It was hard to say anything. Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door. We went to the door only to meet the stillness of the night. No one was there, not even down the street. Suddenly, we both heard the Lord say, "There is no vessel that can contain My glory." The Lord immediately circumcised our hearts with the revelation of the need to build up relational foundations in the prayer movement and body of Christ for a sustained habitation of His Presence. Assignments and meetings had all been glorious and had their purpose, but now, He was calling us to go back to the foundations of the great commandments of loving God and loving one another Matthew 22:37-40. God convicted our hearts of His calling to dig into the root system of the prayer movement and build foundations of relationships that not only foster agreement but trust and ongoing fellowship. Community, commitment to prayer, communication were key components of the Upper Room in Acts 2:1, 46-47. These were essential characteristics of other outpourings in history, from Bangor, Ireland in the 500’s A.D.; to the Knights of Saint John Watch in early 1000 A.D.; to Herrnhut, Germany in the 1700's. Such components led to a habitation of the Holy Spirit igniting world changing corporate prayer expressions and transformation. The encounter changed our lives, our focus, and our calling. Interestingly, in the years of walking out the assignment of building through relationships, we uncovered significant generational ties to Herrnhut, Germany. Herrnhut means "The Lord's Watch." It all happened so supernaturally; we knew it was God’s final confirming sign and intent towards this call towards a "Global Watch." Isaiah 58:12 has become a significant driving force for the watches now being established, “Those from among you shall build the old waste places: You shall raise up the foundations of many generations.”
August 2015, Confirmations and signs: As we have traversed various phases of the “Watch” in our region, battled in the trenches of the prayer movement over the ensuing years, the Lord began to speak to our hearts about a “Global Watch.” Big Ben is an icon of World Time. The attacks of 9/11 impacted world history. The open vision was not just about 09/11; it was about something in the future, and it carried global weight. Over the years, we have had several prophetic words speaking to us to look back. The Lord wanted us to remember what He had shown us. I began occasionally talking to others about the concept of a Global Watch, even higher level leaders. There was immediate interest, but neither Fred or I felt that the relationships or time was right. Until a small group of ministry leaders with global interest met at the All Nations Conference Center (ANCC) in London, England, August 2015. The Lord said, “Speak it out.” So I did. At the meeting were others who immediately took interest and caught the vision, and a group began to work the construct. Interestingly, at the ANCC meeting, word came that Big Ben had ticked ahead 7 seconds IXXI (9/11 in Roman numerals) appeared in the sky – sign and wonder? That is how it has been. At every major decision point, God has confirmed, through unusual signs, His gentle affirmation.
In a time of intense prayer over particularly vicious warfare, I was under, I had a vision, an open vision. The image completely took over my field of view as if I was there. I was set on the streets of New York and saw two giant towers explode into rubble. The debris comprised of steel frames like a building that had collapsed. All of a sudden, a giant pair of hands came out of the sky. They scooped up the rubble and formed it in its hands. The hands opened. In them was a large clock tower. The clock tower was the image of Big Ben. This vision was particularly alarming for two reasons. First of all, it was very clear. Secondly, there was a clear paradigm shift in the atmosphere as the warfare broke and the peace of God settled in. In seeking the Lord for the understanding, I heard "Athaliah at the gates." Athaliah means "afflicted of the Lord." Revelation began to fall regarding this nation (America) and why it continues to hang in the balance. What is possessing our nation's gates that prevent the Lord's purposes from coming forth? The Lord began to show me that the rubble I saw was the destruction Athaliah had caused. Athaliah killed the children of inheritance. She also usurped the throne from the rightful heir. The Lord began to show me that her spirit has gained access to the gates of this nation in part through the legal killing of millions of children. Her rule hinders God's seed from coming to full fruition. She steals the rightful inheritance from those God has ordained. She usurps God-given authority and aborts spiritual babies preventing them from coming into maturity. Her rule, however, collapsed as those who carried and understood covenant stood watch over the promised inheritance. 2 Kings 11:7 says, "You shall keep the watch of the house, lest it is broken down." I heard the Lord say; that is why He has and is going to raise up prayer watches across this nation. He will be releasing strategies in cities, regions and nationally to restore covenant because the hour has come, it is "the time of the Lord," for the rule of Athaliah to be broken off our nation's gates. The time has come for the righteous to possess the gates of this nation and the nations. I heard the Lord say there will be a birthing forth of the government of David across this nation if the watchmen mobilize and press in at this hour. As watchmen stand guard, that which was utterly destroyed by Athaliah's rule will reform as God molds the governmental structures into His will. As the ruling power of Athaliah is removed, there will be a great unleashing of prophetic destiny and zeal for individuals, cities, and nation if we rise in the watches at this hour. Mobilize the watches, stand guard, so that the Joash's of this nation may come forth and take possession of their throne. The promise of Isaiah 9:7 is at hand, "And of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." The vision was astonishing as the unmistakable peace of God profoundly shifted the atmosphere. 10 months later when 9/11/2001 happened, I was riveted, as was my husband, Fred. The vision was a mirror image of the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center towers after the attacks. We knew the Lord had shown us something very significant. The event riveted our attention in more ways than one. 9/11/2001 was a history changing cataclysmic event. The world would never be the same again. Furthermore, 9/11 had significant meaning in our family, on both sides. Watching the events unfold, we were catapulted into a battle for our hearts and minds that shattered our paradigm of thinking. Knowing the impact of the open vision just ten months earlier, we ran into the throne room desperately seeking God's directives. We knew something had just happened and God was drawing our attention to it.
(About Athaliah: See 2 Kings 11:1-21, 2 Chronicles 22:2 through 24:7)
Present day application: The application now extends to the nations as the vision of 09/11/2001 was an event that impacted all nations. The event was a major door of terrorism that the nations have been fighting ever since. Athaliah has been ruling. Big Ben is an icon of world time. Though physicians by trade, God had convicted us of our prayerlessness in 1992 when our youngest son was born. As such, we had been faithful in holding a corporate prayer watch in our region. The commission for the “Watch” came through a powerful prophetic word Chuck Pierce released at the California Call to Prayer, held in our city in 1998. We have held a regional watch in place since then, though it certainly has gone through different phases. After 9/11, God was now speaking even more clearly how the “watch” overthrew the evil, destructive rule of Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, and allowed the true King, Joash, to come forth, 2 Kings 11. The attack on the World Trade Center was not just about America, but about a major gate of attack impacting the nations of the world. It was a turning point in world history and was not to be forgotten. After 9/11/2001, sensing its import, the draw to the "Watch" eventually became so intense, I had to drop my fishing net, a busy and productive ophthalmology practice, and follow Jesus. In men’s eyes, it was a crazy thing to do. In the stillness of the night seasons, however, I knew the peace of God. Many of the lessons God was teaching us in the hidden places, were valuable seeds for such a time as this.
March 2006: A hallmark message from the Lord - In March of 2006, we facilitated a powerful Presence filled conference marked by many miraculous healings. It was one of a number we had done over the years. The Presence of God was palpable. As people left and we went back to our home, His Presence was overwhelming. It was hard to say anything. Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door. We went to the door only to meet the stillness of the night. No one was there, not even down the street. Suddenly, we both heard the Lord say, "There is no vessel that can contain My glory." The Lord immediately circumcised our hearts with the revelation of the need to build up relational foundations in the prayer movement and body of Christ for a sustained habitation of His Presence. Assignments and meetings had all been glorious and had their purpose, but now, He was calling us to go back to the foundations of the great commandments of loving God and loving one another Matthew 22:37-40. God convicted our hearts of His calling to dig into the root system of the prayer movement and build foundations of relationships that not only foster agreement but trust and ongoing fellowship. Community, commitment to prayer, communication were key components of the Upper Room in Acts 2:1, 46-47. These were essential characteristics of other outpourings in history, from Bangor, Ireland in the 500’s A.D.; to the Knights of Saint John Watch in early 1000 A.D.; to Herrnhut, Germany in the 1700's. Such components led to a habitation of the Holy Spirit igniting world changing corporate prayer expressions and transformation. The encounter changed our lives, our focus, and our calling. Interestingly, in the years of walking out the assignment of building through relationships, we uncovered significant generational ties to Herrnhut, Germany. Herrnhut means "The Lord's Watch." It all happened so supernaturally; we knew it was God’s final confirming sign and intent towards this call towards a "Global Watch." Isaiah 58:12 has become a significant driving force for the watches now being established, “Those from among you shall build the old waste places: You shall raise up the foundations of many generations.”
August 2015, Confirmations and signs: As we have traversed various phases of the “Watch” in our region, battled in the trenches of the prayer movement over the ensuing years, the Lord began to speak to our hearts about a “Global Watch.” Big Ben is an icon of World Time. The attacks of 9/11 impacted world history. The open vision was not just about 09/11; it was about something in the future, and it carried global weight. Over the years, we have had several prophetic words speaking to us to look back. The Lord wanted us to remember what He had shown us. I began occasionally talking to others about the concept of a Global Watch, even higher level leaders. There was immediate interest, but neither Fred or I felt that the relationships or time was right. Until a small group of ministry leaders with global interest met at the All Nations Conference Center (ANCC) in London, England, August 2015. The Lord said, “Speak it out.” So I did. At the meeting were others who immediately took interest and caught the vision, and a group began to work the construct. Interestingly, at the ANCC meeting, word came that Big Ben had ticked ahead 7 seconds IXXI (9/11 in Roman numerals) appeared in the sky – sign and wonder? That is how it has been. At every major decision point, God has confirmed, through unusual signs, His gentle affirmation.

April 27, 2016 amazing meeting
The call to the Watch led us on a preliminary journey to the historic place for watchmen, "Herrnhut, Germany," in April, 2016. The purpose of the journey was to scout out the possibility of holding a prayer summit on the 290 year anniversary of the historic outpouring, August 27, 2017. Traveling the back roads of former eastern Germany, we finally landed in the quiet streets of Herrnhut, in the late afternoon, April 27, 2016. As we stepped out of the car, we were greeted by our host. Looking down the street, however, a rather diplomatic group of people were walking our direction. Our host greeted us and stated, "That is the president of Germany, Joachin Gauch!" Our curiosity was most assuredly peaked. We followed the core of distinguished people up to "God's Acre," the graveyard for the Moravian church and history-making leaders and missionaries. Staying a respectful distance away, we simply waited pondering this amazing chance meeting. At some point, one of the entourage approached us and invited us to meet the president. Of course we gratefully accepted! This encounter led to meeting the president of Germany who welcomed us into Germany, right at the tombstone of Count Nicholas von Zinzendorf!
Invitation today: We are thankful the Lord had taken His time to teach us the warfare in the trenches. The construct of the Global Watch is entirely different today than it would have been in 2001. Though this summary just scratches the surface, we pray it inspires your hearts to respond to the call of God. “Run with the vision. It shall tarry no more.” (Habakkuk 2:1-3). Jesus urged His disciples to watch (ex. Mark 13:3-35) What does that mean? Build up relationships around you, commit to pray, build community, communicate and share with one another, connect across the nations and watch God move. The time is now. The Body is becoming the Bride, awakened, ready and alert! The true King is coming. No person is too small or ministry too big to participate. Participation does not interfere with any person's individual call, ministry or church leadership structure, but functions to guard and protect one another. The watch will prepare the way for His rule and reign!
On the ramparts Watching,
Sue and Fred Rowe
The call to the Watch led us on a preliminary journey to the historic place for watchmen, "Herrnhut, Germany," in April, 2016. The purpose of the journey was to scout out the possibility of holding a prayer summit on the 290 year anniversary of the historic outpouring, August 27, 2017. Traveling the back roads of former eastern Germany, we finally landed in the quiet streets of Herrnhut, in the late afternoon, April 27, 2016. As we stepped out of the car, we were greeted by our host. Looking down the street, however, a rather diplomatic group of people were walking our direction. Our host greeted us and stated, "That is the president of Germany, Joachin Gauch!" Our curiosity was most assuredly peaked. We followed the core of distinguished people up to "God's Acre," the graveyard for the Moravian church and history-making leaders and missionaries. Staying a respectful distance away, we simply waited pondering this amazing chance meeting. At some point, one of the entourage approached us and invited us to meet the president. Of course we gratefully accepted! This encounter led to meeting the president of Germany who welcomed us into Germany, right at the tombstone of Count Nicholas von Zinzendorf!
Invitation today: We are thankful the Lord had taken His time to teach us the warfare in the trenches. The construct of the Global Watch is entirely different today than it would have been in 2001. Though this summary just scratches the surface, we pray it inspires your hearts to respond to the call of God. “Run with the vision. It shall tarry no more.” (Habakkuk 2:1-3). Jesus urged His disciples to watch (ex. Mark 13:3-35) What does that mean? Build up relationships around you, commit to pray, build community, communicate and share with one another, connect across the nations and watch God move. The time is now. The Body is becoming the Bride, awakened, ready and alert! The true King is coming. No person is too small or ministry too big to participate. Participation does not interfere with any person's individual call, ministry or church leadership structure, but functions to guard and protect one another. The watch will prepare the way for His rule and reign!
On the ramparts Watching,
Sue and Fred Rowe
10/30/2015: Flame appeared in sky lasting well over 30 minutes. Seen on early morning prayer drive, Bakersfield, CA
This was the morning after a retreat focused on the "Watch," building and relating in prayer across California.
Flame traveled slowly East.
This was the morning after a retreat focused on the "Watch," building and relating in prayer across California.
Flame traveled slowly East.
"You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood,
to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:4
to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:4