2016 |
November 16, 2016
Pennsylvania carries a key: (the story behind the elections)
Leading up to election day, a group of intercessors gathered in the governmental gate of Philadelphia with Philadelphia Tabernacle of David for a Brotherly Love Summit. From Thursday evening through Saturday the last weekend in October we gathered to war in worship and legislate from Heaven's courtroom on behalf of our nation. It was a very powerful and profound event.
I have also been lobbying among the Amish to encourage them to vote. For the first time ever we established an Amish PAC that has been advertising in both OH and PA. I cannot speak for OH, however, here in PA it has had impact but has been a challenge measuring how much. Unfortunately, Ben King who has been leading this cause does not understand tracking results. It is certainly been a good beginning, none the less.
It was troubling to learn just days before the election that a democrat "public advocacy" group, FieldWorks, LLC presented bogus registrations in Delaware County. This same group was responsible for another misappropriation of registrations. While we were glad it was discovered, we had growing concerns of what else may not have been discovered.
On election day it was even more troubling to be receiving many accounts of votes for Trump being switched to Clinton in front of voter's eyes. This was happening in the Pittsburgh area as well. One voter reported “I went back, pressed Trump again. Three times I did this, so then I called one of the women that were working the polls over. And she said you must be doing it wrong. She did it three times and it defaulted to Hillary every time,” Bobbie Lee Hawranko told CBS Pittsburgh.
In a decision issued election night, Philadelphia's U.S. District Court Judge Paul Diamond rejected a suit filed by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party stating that Trump and the "Stop the Seal" organization were inciting violence and voter intimidation. Ironically, this was being perpetrated by Democratic pollsters. The war for fair elections in Pennsylvania was very intense.
For every vote that was caught we continued to be concerned how many were not discovered. One precinct closed their machines down because they could not get them recalibrated. in addition Democratic pollsters were not allowing GOP monitors in minority laden precincts. This was an issue in the 2012 election as well.
Voters in Pennsylvania were out in record numbers all across the state and there were very many first time voters. A local poll watcher told me that many older adults were voting and apologetically reporting they had never voted before.
This election took the rural parts of Pennsylvania and pitted them against suburban and urban Pennsylvania. The Democratic vote totals could not overcome the sea of surrounding counties that helped turn Pennsylvania red for President-elect Donald Trump.
For nearly four decades, suburban Philadelphia's four "collar" counties served as Pennsylvania's bellwether — every presidential candidate who carried the state since 1980 won the largely affluent area that includes Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties.
Trump's appeal in three blue-collar counties where manufacturing jobs have disappeared by the thousands and Democrats outnumber Republicans helps explain how the billionaire businessman pulled off Tuesday's stunning victory.
There were reports of voters in some precincts in Philadelphia who waited in line for 4 hours to vote.
As the suspense was building throughout the day with MSM reporting a Clinton victory by double digits, Pennsylvania voters have finally learned to ignore the MSM. At 12:45 a.m. Wednesday, Trump's vote count stood at 2,751,542 to Clinton's 2,718,756 with about 90 percent of the vote counted. Democrats were counting on Clinton securing Pennsylvania.
An hour later, Trump's lead was nearly 71,000 votes with 96.89 percent of all precincts reporting.
Erie, Luzerne and Northampton counties are traditional Democratic strongholds that went for President Obama in 2012, but Trump flipped them in his favor, according to unofficial results. They were the only counties to turn on Democrats in such a way.
One of Hillary Clinton’s early warning signs came out of West Philadelphia.
When results started pouring in from the predominately black Democratic stronghold, her numbers were good — her vote share north of 95 percent — but not good enough. She would need to turn out more voters there to counteract the flood of Republican votes coming from other parts of the largely rural state, especially in the face of growing evidence that Donald Trump was seeing a Republican surge.
Among the city’s wards that are more than 75 percent African American, Trump got about 1,300 — or 31 percent — more votes than Romney. Clinton saw a mild decline, earning 7 percent — about 16,000 — fewer votes than President Obama did in 2012.
These neighborhoods — and Philadelphia as a whole — are without a doubt significant for Democrats. Pennsylvania is a large swing state, holding 20 electoral votes. Philadelphia, alongside a few other Democratic pockets such as central Pittsburgh, needed to deliver the party enough votes to counter the vast conservative population across the state. Since 1992, these areas had been enough for Democrats — until Tuesday.
For more info on Western PA outcomes in the Pittsburgh area:
Final #Election2016 numbers
#PopularVote: #Trump: 62,972,226 #Clinton: 62,277,750
#ElectoralCollege vote #Trump 306 #Clinton 232
NH, Pennsylvania
November 8, 2016 USA
The USA Watch thanks so many who climbed the wall to pray for the USA elections. Everyone took their part to flex the powerful spiritual muscle required to pray in the purpose of God for the elections in the USA. Do not discount your part, and please receive our thankfulness and eternal gratitude. However, there is a little known story behind the scenes we want you to know about and pray into.
On the 15 year anniversary of 09/11/2001, a small band of intercessors traveled to a small southeast district of NY to an area once harboring one of the first revivals in America, and the first Native American Christian congregation named Shecomeco, to re-open the wells of revival for the 1st Nations in America. When that revival was shut down by the government in 1746, the Natives and Moravians migrated to an area in Pennsylvania near Bethlehem. That migration was part of what established Bethlehem, PA today. During the course of the trip, relationships were made with Native Americans in Pennsylvania. On October 28th, they contacted us regarding the USA watch desiring to take part. During the course of that conversation, a truck went by our friend on the phone in Pennsylvania with a clock on it with the words "Just in time." A few days later, the Native Americans held their first morning watch to end the 4th watch on Wednesday November 2nd. 6 days later, victory for the Republican platform was achieved with Pennsylvania being a turnkey state for the election.
With a suprising turn to Republican by a narrow margin, Pennsylvania was key in turning the election. It is known as the "Turnkey" state. It carries much of American History and its turning carries spiritual impact. Could our first nation's taking their role on the watch have something to do with it? The timing seems to be just right. God will not leave them out. They are climbing the ramparts and the invite goes forth! May the wheels of reformation and transformation roll forward.
October 2016 USA
I'm on vacation and went to a prayer group that I normally can't attend. A young woman gave her heart-wrenching testimony of redemption. The climax of her story was as she literally screamed out to God, God's answer to her was a literal huge lightning bolt and a downpour that baptized her. She has walked a healing path of freedom ever since. Afterwards I asked her if "her storm" was July 18th 2015. She said it was. You can't imagine the excitement I felt as I entered a holy moment by sharing the backstory of "her storm".
A group of Fourth Watch intercessors got together in Bakersfield to repent, reconcile, and worship for 3 days for the "Trumpet Call West Coast," July 17-18th, 2015. We cried out for a physical rain that would represent a spiritual rain. I can't even describe the thunder and lightning storms that washed the Central Coast following the meeting. Out of nowhere, a massive thunderstorm broke out, like Exodus 19. The Lord of Hosts showed up, the 4th watch Western Wall was birthed. From there the USA and Global Watch has birthed.
I stayed up all night praising God and having a holy party. Awesome is too small a word. In God's grace he brought the two halves together for his glory yesterday. I hope this encourages you. There is power in experiential knowledge.
October 2016 South America
Columbia, South America: When Hurricane Matthew threatened the Atlantic region from South America to the US, the Eastern Zone watchmen rallied prayer. There was a distinct leveling of the hurricane force in answer to the prayer. HOWEVER, this week in Bangkok, Thailand at a meeting of international leaders concerned with transformation, (Transform World Global Leadership Summit), news came forward that Hurricane Matthew impacted a gay rights agenda vote in Columbia through low voter turn out leading to its defeat. For more information on this turn towards conservative values in Columbia click here.
JULY 2016
24 Hour International Upper Room
An important prayer alert came from Jerusalem regarding an international intiative that would convene worship, open communication and demonic covenant in and between nations and Israel. The GW joined with others in prayer for this event. The results:
4th Watch Testimony (25/7)
Youth awakened at 4am and got a specific word from the Lord, while at a youth camp, to speak forth healing to a group at a Baptist youth camp. That evening she had the opportunity to speak it out, and those attending began to be filled with the Holy Spirit with many being healed.
JUNE 2016
Africa (17/6)
Prayer mobilized for two key leaders in Africa abducted. Two days later they were released by their captors.
God moving in central California (16/2)
Words and testimonies of God moving in Southern California are rising. For recent video from the Upper Room in Bakersfield click here. (Youth being baptized came up out of the water speaking in tongues, others waiting in line were experiencing deliverance)
Youth Awakening (12/2)
Recently, we have had the opportunity to relay the 4th “watch” vision and awakening in prayer to a few youth in our city. We were amazed at how many youth God was waking up between the hours of 3am-6am. A week later, one of the youth came back with this testimony from “Teen Challenge.” Working at Teen Challenge, she ministered to a girl who mentioned she had not been able to sleep and was waking at 3am. Understanding the “Wake up” call, she was able to minister the vision to the girl to consider asking God the “Samuel question” “What is it Lord, for you called me?” instead of worrying about sleep. The girl immediately, “Got it.”
The testimony came in: "My name is A…and I'm 24 years old. I grew up in church but I always found it hard to worship. I knew who Jesus was to me but I didn't know who God was. I felt like he was just some cold condemning judge. I never felt his presence. So recently I really started to press in and seek the Lord. For the past few weeks I've been waking up at 3:30 am every morning. Usually I would be annoyed to wake up this early but not these times. I felt urgency and excitement! I've been spending this time at 3:30 in prayer, worship and devotions. When I pray I now feel this force inside me where I can feel God's glory! I laid flat on my face in worship and could see a warm glow all around me and could literally, physically feel God's hand on my back! I feel his presence for the first time in my life and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that He is right there beside me. I can worship now and feel myself interceding when I pray. I feel God doing something mighty!” — Bakersfield, CA, Teen Challenge
Pennsylvania carries a key: (the story behind the elections)
Leading up to election day, a group of intercessors gathered in the governmental gate of Philadelphia with Philadelphia Tabernacle of David for a Brotherly Love Summit. From Thursday evening through Saturday the last weekend in October we gathered to war in worship and legislate from Heaven's courtroom on behalf of our nation. It was a very powerful and profound event.
I have also been lobbying among the Amish to encourage them to vote. For the first time ever we established an Amish PAC that has been advertising in both OH and PA. I cannot speak for OH, however, here in PA it has had impact but has been a challenge measuring how much. Unfortunately, Ben King who has been leading this cause does not understand tracking results. It is certainly been a good beginning, none the less.
It was troubling to learn just days before the election that a democrat "public advocacy" group, FieldWorks, LLC presented bogus registrations in Delaware County. This same group was responsible for another misappropriation of registrations. While we were glad it was discovered, we had growing concerns of what else may not have been discovered.
On election day it was even more troubling to be receiving many accounts of votes for Trump being switched to Clinton in front of voter's eyes. This was happening in the Pittsburgh area as well. One voter reported “I went back, pressed Trump again. Three times I did this, so then I called one of the women that were working the polls over. And she said you must be doing it wrong. She did it three times and it defaulted to Hillary every time,” Bobbie Lee Hawranko told CBS Pittsburgh.
In a decision issued election night, Philadelphia's U.S. District Court Judge Paul Diamond rejected a suit filed by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party stating that Trump and the "Stop the Seal" organization were inciting violence and voter intimidation. Ironically, this was being perpetrated by Democratic pollsters. The war for fair elections in Pennsylvania was very intense.
For every vote that was caught we continued to be concerned how many were not discovered. One precinct closed their machines down because they could not get them recalibrated. in addition Democratic pollsters were not allowing GOP monitors in minority laden precincts. This was an issue in the 2012 election as well.
Voters in Pennsylvania were out in record numbers all across the state and there were very many first time voters. A local poll watcher told me that many older adults were voting and apologetically reporting they had never voted before.
This election took the rural parts of Pennsylvania and pitted them against suburban and urban Pennsylvania. The Democratic vote totals could not overcome the sea of surrounding counties that helped turn Pennsylvania red for President-elect Donald Trump.
For nearly four decades, suburban Philadelphia's four "collar" counties served as Pennsylvania's bellwether — every presidential candidate who carried the state since 1980 won the largely affluent area that includes Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties.
Trump's appeal in three blue-collar counties where manufacturing jobs have disappeared by the thousands and Democrats outnumber Republicans helps explain how the billionaire businessman pulled off Tuesday's stunning victory.
There were reports of voters in some precincts in Philadelphia who waited in line for 4 hours to vote.
As the suspense was building throughout the day with MSM reporting a Clinton victory by double digits, Pennsylvania voters have finally learned to ignore the MSM. At 12:45 a.m. Wednesday, Trump's vote count stood at 2,751,542 to Clinton's 2,718,756 with about 90 percent of the vote counted. Democrats were counting on Clinton securing Pennsylvania.
An hour later, Trump's lead was nearly 71,000 votes with 96.89 percent of all precincts reporting.
Erie, Luzerne and Northampton counties are traditional Democratic strongholds that went for President Obama in 2012, but Trump flipped them in his favor, according to unofficial results. They were the only counties to turn on Democrats in such a way.
One of Hillary Clinton’s early warning signs came out of West Philadelphia.
When results started pouring in from the predominately black Democratic stronghold, her numbers were good — her vote share north of 95 percent — but not good enough. She would need to turn out more voters there to counteract the flood of Republican votes coming from other parts of the largely rural state, especially in the face of growing evidence that Donald Trump was seeing a Republican surge.
Among the city’s wards that are more than 75 percent African American, Trump got about 1,300 — or 31 percent — more votes than Romney. Clinton saw a mild decline, earning 7 percent — about 16,000 — fewer votes than President Obama did in 2012.
These neighborhoods — and Philadelphia as a whole — are without a doubt significant for Democrats. Pennsylvania is a large swing state, holding 20 electoral votes. Philadelphia, alongside a few other Democratic pockets such as central Pittsburgh, needed to deliver the party enough votes to counter the vast conservative population across the state. Since 1992, these areas had been enough for Democrats — until Tuesday.
For more info on Western PA outcomes in the Pittsburgh area:
Final #Election2016 numbers
#PopularVote: #Trump: 62,972,226 #Clinton: 62,277,750
#ElectoralCollege vote #Trump 306 #Clinton 232
NH, Pennsylvania
November 8, 2016 USA
The USA Watch thanks so many who climbed the wall to pray for the USA elections. Everyone took their part to flex the powerful spiritual muscle required to pray in the purpose of God for the elections in the USA. Do not discount your part, and please receive our thankfulness and eternal gratitude. However, there is a little known story behind the scenes we want you to know about and pray into.
On the 15 year anniversary of 09/11/2001, a small band of intercessors traveled to a small southeast district of NY to an area once harboring one of the first revivals in America, and the first Native American Christian congregation named Shecomeco, to re-open the wells of revival for the 1st Nations in America. When that revival was shut down by the government in 1746, the Natives and Moravians migrated to an area in Pennsylvania near Bethlehem. That migration was part of what established Bethlehem, PA today. During the course of the trip, relationships were made with Native Americans in Pennsylvania. On October 28th, they contacted us regarding the USA watch desiring to take part. During the course of that conversation, a truck went by our friend on the phone in Pennsylvania with a clock on it with the words "Just in time." A few days later, the Native Americans held their first morning watch to end the 4th watch on Wednesday November 2nd. 6 days later, victory for the Republican platform was achieved with Pennsylvania being a turnkey state for the election.
With a suprising turn to Republican by a narrow margin, Pennsylvania was key in turning the election. It is known as the "Turnkey" state. It carries much of American History and its turning carries spiritual impact. Could our first nation's taking their role on the watch have something to do with it? The timing seems to be just right. God will not leave them out. They are climbing the ramparts and the invite goes forth! May the wheels of reformation and transformation roll forward.
October 2016 USA
I'm on vacation and went to a prayer group that I normally can't attend. A young woman gave her heart-wrenching testimony of redemption. The climax of her story was as she literally screamed out to God, God's answer to her was a literal huge lightning bolt and a downpour that baptized her. She has walked a healing path of freedom ever since. Afterwards I asked her if "her storm" was July 18th 2015. She said it was. You can't imagine the excitement I felt as I entered a holy moment by sharing the backstory of "her storm".
A group of Fourth Watch intercessors got together in Bakersfield to repent, reconcile, and worship for 3 days for the "Trumpet Call West Coast," July 17-18th, 2015. We cried out for a physical rain that would represent a spiritual rain. I can't even describe the thunder and lightning storms that washed the Central Coast following the meeting. Out of nowhere, a massive thunderstorm broke out, like Exodus 19. The Lord of Hosts showed up, the 4th watch Western Wall was birthed. From there the USA and Global Watch has birthed.
I stayed up all night praising God and having a holy party. Awesome is too small a word. In God's grace he brought the two halves together for his glory yesterday. I hope this encourages you. There is power in experiential knowledge.
October 2016 South America
Columbia, South America: When Hurricane Matthew threatened the Atlantic region from South America to the US, the Eastern Zone watchmen rallied prayer. There was a distinct leveling of the hurricane force in answer to the prayer. HOWEVER, this week in Bangkok, Thailand at a meeting of international leaders concerned with transformation, (Transform World Global Leadership Summit), news came forward that Hurricane Matthew impacted a gay rights agenda vote in Columbia through low voter turn out leading to its defeat. For more information on this turn towards conservative values in Columbia click here.
JULY 2016
24 Hour International Upper Room
An important prayer alert came from Jerusalem regarding an international intiative that would convene worship, open communication and demonic covenant in and between nations and Israel. The GW joined with others in prayer for this event. The results:
- The attendance on site was very low in Israel. Out of the ability of the arena here to hold 15,000, there were only 1,132 attendees in Jerusalem as compared to 9,089 in Columbia and 14,779 in Germany (where it sold out). Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/tomorrowland/events?ref=page_internal
- There was a very long delay, and disruptions due to technical difficulties.
4th Watch Testimony (25/7)
Youth awakened at 4am and got a specific word from the Lord, while at a youth camp, to speak forth healing to a group at a Baptist youth camp. That evening she had the opportunity to speak it out, and those attending began to be filled with the Holy Spirit with many being healed.
JUNE 2016
Africa (17/6)
Prayer mobilized for two key leaders in Africa abducted. Two days later they were released by their captors.
God moving in central California (16/2)
Words and testimonies of God moving in Southern California are rising. For recent video from the Upper Room in Bakersfield click here. (Youth being baptized came up out of the water speaking in tongues, others waiting in line were experiencing deliverance)
Youth Awakening (12/2)
Recently, we have had the opportunity to relay the 4th “watch” vision and awakening in prayer to a few youth in our city. We were amazed at how many youth God was waking up between the hours of 3am-6am. A week later, one of the youth came back with this testimony from “Teen Challenge.” Working at Teen Challenge, she ministered to a girl who mentioned she had not been able to sleep and was waking at 3am. Understanding the “Wake up” call, she was able to minister the vision to the girl to consider asking God the “Samuel question” “What is it Lord, for you called me?” instead of worrying about sleep. The girl immediately, “Got it.”
The testimony came in: "My name is A…and I'm 24 years old. I grew up in church but I always found it hard to worship. I knew who Jesus was to me but I didn't know who God was. I felt like he was just some cold condemning judge. I never felt his presence. So recently I really started to press in and seek the Lord. For the past few weeks I've been waking up at 3:30 am every morning. Usually I would be annoyed to wake up this early but not these times. I felt urgency and excitement! I've been spending this time at 3:30 in prayer, worship and devotions. When I pray I now feel this force inside me where I can feel God's glory! I laid flat on my face in worship and could see a warm glow all around me and could literally, physically feel God's hand on my back! I feel his presence for the first time in my life and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that He is right there beside me. I can worship now and feel myself interceding when I pray. I feel God doing something mighty!” — Bakersfield, CA, Teen Challenge
16 September
Chilian Earthquake: A tsunami scheduled to hit the West Coast from an 8.3 earthquake in Chili was averted.
27 September
Folsom Street Fair, San Francisco, CA: Outreach to the Folsom Street fair joined with the West Coast Watch and reported over 100 salvations. In past outreaches, very few salvations were noted.
23 October
Watch intervenes with Hurricane Patricia: Hurricane Patricia formed in the Western Hemisphere. It was the strongest storm in recorded history in the Western Hemisphere. As it bore through the Pacific moving towards the Western Coast of California and Mexica, the “Watch" was mobilized. When the storm hit the western coast, it split in two and became a tropical storm.
Chilian Earthquake: A tsunami scheduled to hit the West Coast from an 8.3 earthquake in Chili was averted.
27 September
Folsom Street Fair, San Francisco, CA: Outreach to the Folsom Street fair joined with the West Coast Watch and reported over 100 salvations. In past outreaches, very few salvations were noted.
23 October
Watch intervenes with Hurricane Patricia: Hurricane Patricia formed in the Western Hemisphere. It was the strongest storm in recorded history in the Western Hemisphere. As it bore through the Pacific moving towards the Western Coast of California and Mexica, the “Watch" was mobilized. When the storm hit the western coast, it split in two and became a tropical storm.
"You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood,
to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:4
to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:4